Google & Social ads

PPC - Pay per click

Do you spend a lot of money on advertising that doesn’t bring you results?

Do you want your ad to remain to run but pay only when someone is searching for your product or service?

Then you need a PPC advertising.

What is PPC?

PPC (Pay-per-click) is an online advertising strategy that focuses on advertising to potential customers/clients who are looking for specific products or services through search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon or through social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc.

What we offer?

Our experts will make sure that your ad is among the first on Google search engine and to reach the target groups on social networks.

What are the benefits?

The advantage of this form of advertising is that you have to pay only when the potential customer clicks on the advertisement (PPC - pay per click). The advantage of PPC advertising over classic advertising (on television, radio, billboards, etc.) is the fact that PPC advertising targets costumers when they are looking for a specific product or service. With PPC advertising, we provide a complete campaign report with information about clicks your ad received, purchases, frequency of displaying, visits to your site through the exact ad, etc. Also, we can choose a target group demographically, geographically, by a sphere of interest, by internet behavior, etc.

One step ahead of everyone!

The process of creating a successful campaign begins by researching the industry you are in as well as researching and identifying the keywords that potential customers/clients use when they want to find your products or services online. Based on the results we get, we create a list of keywords and a list of negative keywords.